Turin and women. Small and big stories from the Middle Ages to today - Mayors
"Turin and women". Section: Mayors.
Archivio Storico della Città di Torino, on display from October 6, 2021 to March 31, 2022.
Female mayors
Maria Magnani Noya (Genova, 1931 - Turin, 2011). She was the first woman to be elected Mayor from July 20, 1987 to July 30, 1990. Graduated in Law, she was a member of the Socialist Party Board (since 1964) and was entrusted with the following assignments: Sunia Chairman for the Turin Province; member of the Federation pro-divorce and of the Italian Women’s Union (Udi); member of Parliament in the Socialist Party (1972-1983); Secretary to the President of the Chamber of Deputies Office (1976-1979); Undersecretary of Industry during the Cossiga and Forlani Administrations (1980-1981) and of Health Dept. during the 1st and 2nd Spadolini Administrations (1981-1982); Council Leader (Socialist Party) of the Municipality of Turin (1985-1987); European Parliament member (1989-1994) and Vice-President (1992-1994).
Giovanna Cattaneo Incisa (Turin, 1942-2011). She was entrusted with several assignments in the culture sector: Federcultura Board; Chairman of the Municipal Culture Commission (1990-1997); Chairman of Gam (1997-2002); Chairman of Fondazione Torino Musei (Turin Museum Foundation) (2002-2011). She was responsible for Protection and Civil Defense, Traffic and Municipal Police Department; Mayor of Turin from February 11 to December 14, 1992.
Chiara Appendino (Moncalieri, Turin, 1984). She graduated in International Business and Management and accomplished her postgraduate studies in Economy and Finance at the Bocconi University. She joined the City Council in 2011 and in 2016 after winning the administrative elections carried out by ballot she became the first female Mayor directly elected by the Turin citizens.
(Mostra a cura di Maura Baima, Luciana Manzo, Fulvio Peirone. Segreteria: Anna Braghieri. Progetto espositivo: Ottavio Sessa. Allestimento: Gisella Gervasio, Manuela Rondoni. Riproduzioni fotografiche: Giuseppe Toma, Enrico Vaio. Foto web: Deborah Sciamarella. Collaborazioni: Andrea D'Annibale, Massimo Francone, Omar Josè Nunez, Anna Maria Stratta. Per MuseoTorino: Caterina Calabrese, Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Diletta Michelotto. Traduzioni: Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Laura Zanasi).