Scheda: Evento - Tipo: Culturale

Turin and women. Small and big stories from the Middle Ages to today - Royal ladies

"Turin and women". Section: Royal ladies.

Archivio Storico della Città di Torino, on display from October 6, 2021 to March 31, 2022.



Adelaide, countess of Turin

Around 1045 the Savoy family reached this side of the Alps thanks to a woman: Adelaide, countess of Turin. She was Olderico’s daughter, marquis of Turin; she married Oddone of Moriana-Savoy and her title was her dowry to him. Later, their son Pietro became marquis of Turin while their daughter Berta married Enrico IV, emperor of the Roman Empire (Sacro Romano Impero). In 1077 Adelaide took Enrico IV to Canossa in Matilde’s territories (marquise and Adelaide’s cousin) to beg the pope’s forgiveness.

In this parchment Act of March 23, 1111, Enrico IV (Adelaide’s son-in-law), grants to the town of Torino and its citizens, as a reward for their loyalty, road toll rights of the way towards Susa.


Two royal ladies, “Madame Reali”, for Turin

Cristina, sister and wife of Luigi XIII King of France and Vittorio Amedeo I, respectively, after her husband’s death became the Savoy Duchy Regent. During the civil war Prince Tommaso and Cardinal Maurizio (her brothers-in-law) both sided with Spain, but the French troops prevailed and could reconquer Turin: Cristina returned to power in 1657, thanks to Luigi XIV ‘s favour.

Cristina’s son, Carlo Emanuele II, married in 1665 Maria Giovanna Battista, who after her husband’s death became “Madama Reale” (Royal Lady), being his son Vittorio Amedeo II not yet of age. In the document Maria Giovanna approves the thank-you gift for the town councillors and officers for their services: four sugar pounds  for Council members and two pounds for those in the Assemblies (collective bodies similar to today’s city council).



(Mostra a cura di Maura Baima, Luciana Manzo, Fulvio Peirone. Segreteria: Anna Braghieri. Progetto espositivo: Ottavio Sessa. Allestimento: Gisella Gervasio, Manuela Rondoni. Riproduzioni fotografiche: Giuseppe Toma, Enrico Vaio. Foto web: Deborah Sciamarella. Collaborazioni: Andrea D'Annibale, Massimo Francone, Omar Josè Nunez, Anna Maria Stratta. Per MuseoTorino: Caterina Calabrese, Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Diletta Michelotto. Traduzioni: Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Laura Zanasi).

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