Scheda: Evento - Tipo: Culturale

Turin and women. Small and big stories from the Middle Ages to today - Macario's Stars

"Turin and women". Section: Macario's Stars.

Archivio Storico della Città di Torino, on display from October 6, 2021 to March 31, 2022.



Macario, the Turin "pimaglione"

Erminio Macario (Torino, 1902-1980): actor, author, film director and producer, is one of the most prestigious figures of the Italian performing arts in the 20th century. He spent his childhood with his family living downtown Torino. He held his first performance in 1913 at Don Bosco parish centre. Macario became a comedian and with Isa Bluette in 1928 introduced in Italy the famous “runway” to the Italian public. During his long and brilliant career he produced more than fifty shows, he performed in more than forty films and participated in several television shows, of which the last one was Buonasera con …. Macario, (Good evening with ….Macario) in 1979.  He will be remembered for having helped tenth of girls and women to achieve success on stage, and showgirls and actresses that became stars incredibly acclaimed by the public.




(Mostra a cura di Maura Baima, Luciana Manzo, Fulvio Peirone. Segreteria: Anna Braghieri. Progetto espositivo: Ottavio Sessa. Allestimento: Gisella Gervasio, Manuela Rondoni. Riproduzioni fotografiche: Giuseppe Toma, Enrico Vaio. Foto web: Deborah Sciamarella. Collaborazioni: Andrea D'Annibale, Massimo Francone, Omar Josè Nunez, Anna Maria Stratta. Per MuseoTorino: Caterina Calabrese, Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Diletta Michelotto. Traduzioni: Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Laura Zanasi).

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