Scheda: Evento - Tipo: Culturale

Turin and women. Small and big stories from the Middle Ages to today

The exhibition Turin and women. Small and big stories from the Middle Ages to today opens in October 6, 2021.

Archivio Storico della Città di Torino
Via Barbaroux, 32.
Free admission upon reservation (Telephone number: 011.011.31811)

Data dell'evento: 06 Ottobre 2021 - 31 Marzo 2022


In the second half of the last century, the path that leads to women's emancipation from theory to mass participation begins. This struggle was conducted in a new and autonomous way, outside the protection of traditional parties and linked to specific demands that, connected to everyday life, have given substance to the action and involved the whole society.

The exhibition Turin and women. Small and big stories from the Middle Ages to today illustrates the political and social battles (the right to vote, equality at work, the war, the Resistance ...) in over 250 photographs and documents, but also women in art and literature, family and school, sport and entertainment, or even the honorary towns, including Liliana Segre and the Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini.

These are small and big stories of the female universe, starting from the Middle Ages and focusing in particular on the twentieth century.

The exhibition is inaugurated to tell stories of the people who have contributed (often in the shadows) to conquer the right to count.

A large photographic section is dedicated to the Turin artists of cinema, television, theater and song, with pictures of Isa Bluette, Vera Carmi, Giovanna Scotto, Margherita Bagni, Rita Pavone, Luciana Littizzetto, Maria Teresa Ruta, Carla Bruni, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, and the stars launched by Macario: Wanda Osiris, Sandra Mondaini, Marisa Del Frate, Lauretta Masiero, Isa Barzizza and Margherita Fumero.




(Mostra a cura di Maura Baima, Luciana Manzo, Fulvio Peirone. Segreteria: Anna Braghieri. Progetto espositivo: Ottavio Sessa. Allestimento: Gisella Gervasio, Manuela Rondoni. Riproduzioni fotografiche: Giuseppe Toma, Enrico Vaio. Foto web: Deborah Sciamarella. Collaborazioni: Andrea D'Annibale, Massimo Francone, Omar Josè Nunez, Anna Maria Stratta. Per MuseoTorino: Caterina Calabrese, Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Diletta Michelotto. Traduzioni: Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Laura Zanasi).

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